Harris Evolution Celebrating Growth in Student Accommodation

Harris Evolution Celebrating Growth in Student Accommodation

Harris Evolution, the Bristol-based property maintenance company, is celebrating incredible growth within the student accommodation sector for the third consecutive year.   

Working with several contracts throughout the UK they are providing refurbishment for several universities from bedrooms, bathrooms to boiler installations all within a tight deadline for the term breaks. 

Projects are being successfully completed within the criteria at Exeter, York, Hull, Reading and Oxford Brookes Universities and further projects ongoing throughout the summer holidays.  

Luke Harris, Managing Director, said “Our ability to provide a quality job within tight deadlines has meant our reputation is growing rapidly. We are proud to be involved with these projects and our focus, to be honest, exceed our client expectations is securing our future success.” 

Student Accommodation is a key sector for the company and, with confirmed contracts for future projects, the team are focusing on continuing to deliver high standards throughout the UK.